User Groups
Users (participants) do not embark on this journey alone but in a group with four other people. In the beginning, users do not know anything about each other; where they come from, what they look like, what their age is, or which gender they identify with. What they do know is that each of them is striving for happiness and that they are going on this journey together. Over time, users slowly get to know each other by finding out what their peers have done as part of their essential training and the challenges they have accomplished. Another much-liked feature of getting to know each other is the weekly photo contest. Everyone is asked to take three pictures a week of anything that catches their eye, that they find attractive, or that they simply want to share with their group members. Through voting, there is a winning photo every week. The weekly photo contest trains users to be more perceptive to the beauty in the world, to see the world through each other’s eyes, and to understand each other on a deeper level.