Happy Nation – Watch to Earn

Lastly, we aim to cultivate empathy among citizens by introducing a unique “Watch-to-Earn” concept. In the house of empathy, citizens can view high-quality ad content from major brands like Nike and Adidas. To be consistent with our wellbeing principles however, we will carefully select advertisements that prioritize the utmost benefit to our users, aiming to evoke positive responses. This model benefits both the users and brands; as the compelling storytelling of these ads fosters empathy in viewers, who also receive additional rewards for watching in the form of coins. This innovative approach incentivizes user engagement, as the coins earned can be exchanged for various benefits within Happy Nation, creating a symbiotic relationship between the citizens, brands, and our metaverse. We thus share a portion of the ad revenue with our citizens, transforming the act of ad consumption into a rewarding experience.